2012's Katherine Harris?

Meet the Ohio election official who's determined to be a household name

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted
(Image credit: AP Photo/Jay LaPrete)

Because he's a male, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted is not going to become a garish caricature on Saturday Night Live after tomorrow's election the way Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris was in 2000. But SNL might want to keep some room in its show for a sketch anyway. Mr. Husted seems determined to make a name for himself, and not in a way that will please those of us who want the election to end on a peaceful and lawsuit-free note.

First, some background. Husted, 45, went along with national GOP efforts to try and eliminate early voting in the state. It would protect the integrity of the ballot, he insisted. When he and the GOP-controlled state legislature decided to limit early voting on the last weekend of the election to military voters and Americans outside the country and Husted agreed, Democrats promptly sued, and won. Husted fought back, saying that early voting burdened his county election boards right before the election, and that his decision had nothing to do with an attempt to make it harder for minorities to vote. (Republicans argued in public that Democrats gamed the early voting hours because they bused black voters to polls after church on the Sunday before the election, something that Republicans couldn't do because their voters tend to be more spread out and not clustered in cities.)

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Marc Ambinder

Marc Ambinder is TheWeek.com's editor-at-large. He is the author, with D.B. Grady, of The Command and Deep State: Inside the Government Secrecy Industry. Marc is also a contributing editor for The Atlantic and GQ. Formerly, he served as White House correspondent for National Journal, chief political consultant for CBS News, and politics editor at The Atlantic. Marc is a 2001 graduate of Harvard. He is married to Michael Park, a corporate strategy consultant, and lives in Los Angeles.