Newt Gingrich's 'no-adultery pledge': The jokes

The new GOP frontrunner cozies up to Iowa conservatives by promising to fight abortion and gay marriage... and stay faithful to his third wife

Newt Gingrich and his third wife, Callista: The GOP frontrunner has signed a conservative group's "marriage vow," eliciting chuckles from bloggers well versed in Newt's adulterous past.
(Image credit: Pool/Getty Images)

Newt Gingrich took care of some unfinished business on Monday. After declining over the summer to sign a 14-point "Marriage Vow" pushed on GOP presidential candidates by influential Iowa social conservative group, The Family Leader, Newt reversed course and endorsed the controversial pledge. Among vows to support a federal gay-marriage ban, vigorously oppose abortion, and defund Planned Parenthood, the thrice-married Gingrich — who has copped to serial adultery in his past — pledged to "uphold the institution of marriage through personal fidelity to my spouse and respect for the marital bonds of others." Can you blame the commentariat for cracking wise? Here, some of the best zingers about Newt's new "no-adultery pledge":

This vow seems a little redundant

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