Castle vs. O'Donnell: The sequel?

The GOP foes may face off again if Mike Castle decides to run as a write-in candidate this November

Mike Castle is not willing to let the Christine O'Donnell upset go without a fight.
(Image credit: Facebook)

GOP Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell may face an unexpected hurdle in her Delaware race — namely Mike Castle, the man she already defeated in the primary. Veteran politician Castle, a popular member of the House of Representatives since 1993, says he's not ruling out running as a write-in candidate. On the surface, the idea makes sense: Castle was widely expected to trounce Tea Party favorite O'Connell, then handily defeat the Democratic contender Chris Coons — currently leading O'Donnell in the polls by double digits. And if Castle takes the write-in route, he wouldn't be alone: Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who was also defeated by a more conservative primary opponent, is trying that strategy. Is this a smart move for Castle and other mainstream Republicans swept aside by Tea Partiers?

Write-ins might not win, but they'll help the GOP: On the surface, this "mini-trend" appears to spell more in-fighting for conservatives, says Steve Kornacki at Salon, but it's more likely means fresh trouble for Democrats. With Castle out of the race, moderate Republicans and independents are seriously considering voting for Coons, helping make him the favorite. But if Castle likes the reaction to his "trial balloon" and runs, he'll pull over a "significant chunk" of the Democrat's voters, as Murkowski has in Alaska.

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