Donald Trump's birther speech was 40 seconds of pure garbage

This was a complete snow job

Conspiracy theorist.
(Image credit: Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

Donald Trump made it into the first rank of national politics by stoking the racist conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was not born in the United States. But now this history has become inconvenient, as President Obama is quite popular and Hillary Clinton has been hammering him on the issue. So at a bizarre event at his recently-finished hotel in Washington, D.C., Trump tried to put the birther issue behind him on Friday — by duping the media and lying that Hillary Clinton was responsible for the whole story in the first place. It was a 100 percent snow job.

The event was classic Trump. He began by tricking cable news networks into giving live coverage to what amounted to an extended advertisement of his new hotel — even when dealing with a sensitive campaign issue he can't resist a possibility to enrich himself. That was followed by lavish praise of Trump from a slew of military veterans who are supporting him.

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Ryan Cooper

Ryan Cooper is a national correspondent at His work has appeared in the Washington Monthly, The New Republic, and the Washington Post.