Trump is the 'see no evil' president

What Trump's unbelievable ignorance tells us about his governance

President Trump.
(Image credit: Illustrated | Getty Images, iStock)

When it comes down to it, the best defense of President Trump's faltering leadership might be that he simply has no idea what is going on.

Twice over the weekend, the president and his allies pleaded ignorance as an excuse for his failures. On Friday, The New York Times reported that Russian operatives had offered bounties on American soldiers in Afghanistan — and that Trump had been briefed on the matter, but had failed to take any action in response. Then, on Sunday, Trump tweeted a video showing one of his supporters chanting "white power" at a demonstrator, only to delete the post several hours later.

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Joel Mathis, The Week US

Joel Mathis is a writer with 30 years of newspaper and online journalism experience. His work also regularly appears in National Geographic and The Kansas City Star. His awards include best online commentary at the Online News Association and (twice) at the City and Regional Magazine Association.