Theunis Bates
Theunis Bates is a senior editor at The Week's print edition. He has previously worked for Time, Fast Company, AOL News and Playboy.
Latest articles by Theunis Bates
Big tech's big pivot
Opinion How Silicon Valley's corporate titans learned to love Trump
By Theunis Bates Published
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News overload
Opinion Too much breaking news is breaking us
By Theunis Bates Published
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Team of bitter rivals
Opinion Will internal tensions tear apart Trump's unlikely alliance?
By Theunis Bates Published
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Life in the post-truth era
Opinion The mainstream media can't hold back a tsunami of misinformation
By Theunis Bates Published
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Dignity in defeat
Opinion Chicago White Sox players during a baseball game in Detroit, Michigan
By Theunis Bates Published
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Martian dreams
Opinion Billionaires' plans for a colony on the Red Planet reveal a lot about life here on Earth
By Theunis Bates Published
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The XX vs. XY election
Opinion What happens when men and women become political foes?
By Theunis Bates Published
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Doctor's orders
Opinion The surgeon general wants a warning label on social media for teens — but why stop there?
By Theunis Bates Published
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Losing the library
Opinion What happens when fake knowledge crowds out the real thing?
By Theunis Bates Published
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Coming to America
Opinion Why the melting pot should be a source of national pride
By Theunis Bates Published
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Less than total recall
Editor's Letter Why our brains want to forget the darkest days of the pandemic
By Theunis Bates Published
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Artificial history
Opinion Google's AI tailored the past to fit modern mores, but only succeeded in erasing real historical crimes
By Theunis Bates Published
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Musical deflation
Editor Letter Pop songs are getting shorter. Is that such a bad thing?
By Theunis Bates Published
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Dress-down democracy
Feature What we lose when we shun suits and ties
By Theunis Bates Published
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The return of the animal liberation movement
feature Animal rights extremists are ramping up their decades-old war against the fur industry
By Theunis Bates Last updated
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Watch the Chinese military attack killer wasps with a flamethrower
feature The People's Liberation Army goes to war with the Asian giant hornet
By Theunis Bates Last updated
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Spy games: How a busted Israeli intelligence ring could destabilize the region
feature A new report says Turkey deliberately blew the cover of Israeli spies in Iran
By Theunis Bates Last updated
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The Pentagon's 5 most ridiculous projects
feature The Department of Defense hasn't met a dumb idea it isn't willing to fund
By Theunis Bates Last updated
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Qatar: The tiny nation that roared
feature Qatar has used its petro-riches to buy global clout. What does the emirate actually want?
By Theunis Bates Last updated
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Why the latest news from the Mars Curiosity rover is bumming out science
feature Is Mars just a dead, red rock after all?
By Theunis Bates Last updated
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Joining the sex jihad
feature Fundamentalist clerics are encouraging women to hook up with lonely Syrian militants
By Theunis Bates Last updated
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Syria's next civil war
feature Why a violent clash between moderate and Islamist rebels could be a good thing
By Theunis Bates Last updated
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Ukraine's fraught relationship with Russia: A brief history
feature Ukraine has been part of Russia on and off for centuries. Why does Russia feel justified in interfering in its affairs?
By Theunis Bates Last updated
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The evolution of the NSA
feature Born in the Cold War, the National Security Agency was transformed by 9/11. Has it grown too large?
By Theunis Bates Last updated