GOP holds House, but Democrats gain in Senate

Will another divided Congress hamper President Obama’s efforts to enact legislation?

What happened

The Democratic Party strengthened its control of the Senate this week by winning 23 out of 33 contested seats, but Republicans kept their majority in the House of Representatives, ensuring another divided Congress that is likely to hamper President Obama’s efforts to enact legislation. Democrats picked up two seats to gain a 55–45 majority in the Senate, including two independents, disappointing early Republican hopes of retaking the chamber. In Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren, a forceful consumer advocate and critic of Wall Street, unseated Republican Sen. Scott Brown. Democrat Joe Donnelly won a Senate seat in Indiana after Republican Richard Mourdock said that a pregnancy conceived through rape was “something God intended.” In Missouri, Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill defeated challenger Todd Akin, whose early poll lead evaporated after he declared that victims of “legitimate rape” could not get pregnant. In Wisconsin, Rep. Tammy Baldwin became the first openly gay senator by defeating former Republican Gov. Tommy Thompson.

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