Democrats go down to the wire

With polls in Iowa pointing to a tightening three-way race, Democratic candidates are scrambling for votes in a contest that could shape the rest of the primary season. Most polls show Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in a dead heat ahead of the Jan. 3 Io

With polls in Iowa pointing to a tightening three-way race, Democratic candidates are scrambling for votes in a contest that could shape the rest of the primary season. Most polls show Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in a dead heat ahead of the Jan. 3 Iowa caucuses, with John Edwards within striking distance. The New Hampshire primary, less than a week later, is shaping up as a two-way race between Clinton and Obama, but a surprise Edwards victory in Iowa could scramble that contest, too.

In Iowa, Obama continued to stress his theme of “real, meaningful change,” while painting Clinton as the captive of special interests. Clinton embarked on a helicopter tour with her husband of all 99 Iowa counties, after picking up the endorsement of the influential Des Moines Register. “We want to give people a good sense of her, not only as a leader, but as a person,” former President Bill Clinton said. Edwards was sounding an increasingly populist note, railing against “the few and the powerful.”

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