The breakout stars of the Democratic debates

President Tim Ryan, here we come?

Democratic candidates.
(Image credit: Illustrated | BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images, Scott Olson/Getty Images, jessicahyde/iStock, wanwi17/iStock)

Did the third — or, I suppose, the first half of the second — Democratic presidential debate have a winner? It depends what you mean by "winner." As far as I am concerned, the only candidate who said anything really memorable was Marianne Williamson, the health guru who railed against the "false god" of Mammon and all the powers of darkness. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) had a few zingers too, I suppose. "I wrote the damn bill" was a bumper sticker half an hour before the debate even ended.

But the person who made the most of his opportunity was John Delaney, the former Maryland congressman who, as he reminded us ad taedium, is also a successful "entrepreneur." For reasons mysterious to me and millions of other viewers, CNN's moderators turned over and over again to this chump as he sang the praises of United Health Care Bronze Plus B and Ronald Reagan in between sniping at Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). He would have finished at least fifth in the 2016 Iowa GOP caucus.

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Matthew Walther

Matthew Walther is a national correspondent at The Week. His work has also appeared in First Things, The Spectator of London, The Catholic Herald, National Review, and other publications. He is currently writing a biography of the Rev. Montague Summers. He is also a Robert Novak Journalism Fellow.