Republicans' silver lining in Pennsylvania

Look beyond Biden and it's clear the state is turning red

An elephant.
(Image credit: Illustrated | iStock)

Let's begin by observing that Donald Trump will lose Pennsylvania, barring a major judicial intervention. Even in the reddest counties in the commonwealth, Joe Biden is winning the mail-in vote: Democrats were incredibly successful in convincing their voters to cast their ballots by mail.

That is, however, one of the only successes for Pennsylvania Democrats in this election. In the state House, state Senate, and even the row offices the party has held cycle after cycle, Democratic candidates fared poorly. While everyone rightly focuses on the White House, the down-ballot success of Republicans may prove an even more important development for our politics in the long term.

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Brandon McGinley

Brandon McGinley writes from Pittsburgh, where he works for the Pennsylvania Family Institute and lives with his wife and daughter. His writing has appeared in print in National Review, Fare Forward, and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, and online at First Things, Public Discourse, and The Federalist. He has edited a book on Catholic fatherhood, The Joys and Challenges of Family Life, to be published by Our Sunday Visitor in spring 2015.