Jan. 6 doesn't need to be embellished

Mark Meadows.
(Image credit: Illustrated | AP Images, Getty Images, iStock)

There's no question the events of Jan. 6, in which supporters of former President Donald Trump attacked the Capitol, were terrible and had the potential to be even worse in terms of injury or loss of life. The Democratic-led House committee investigating those events is therefore correct to want to learn more about the riot and to deter similar violence from happening again.

But the committee's obvious desire to elevate Jan. 6 to a 9/11-level event — and to treat a ragtag group of rioters, who made up most of the death toll, as a serious attempt to overthrow the federal government — is laughable. Doing so repeats the errors and excesses of the Trump-Russia saga, when the former president's indifference to Russian interference in the 2016 election (as long as it mainly hurt his opponent) was bad enough, and there was no need to largely fabricate a more elaborate conspiracy.

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W. James Antle III

W. James Antle III is the politics editor of the Washington Examiner, the former editor of The American Conservative, and author of Devouring Freedom: Can Big Government Ever Be Stopped?.