Cop28: is UAE the right host for the climate summit?

Middle East nation is accused of 'pushing for a green world that can still have its oil'

Sultan Al Jaber
Critics say it's 'ridiculous' that oil company executive Sultan Al Jaber is president of Cop28
(Image credit: Getty Images)

The United Arab Emirates has been accused of planning to use its role as Cop28 host to strike oil and gas deals.

International leaders will gather in Dubai from Thursday "on a mission to curb climate change", said Euronews, and after a "record-shattering year" of extreme weather, the world is looking for the conference to "put us on a safer path".

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  Chas Newkey-Burden has been part of The Week Digital team for more than a decade and a journalist for 25 years, starting out on the irreverent football weekly 90 Minutes, before moving to lifestyle magazines Loaded and Attitude. He was a columnist for The Big Issue and landed a world exclusive with David Beckham that became the weekly magazine’s bestselling issue. He now writes regularly for The Guardian, The Telegraph, The Independent, Metro, FourFourTwo and the i new site. He is also the author of a number of non-fiction books.