America's war over Afghanistan is just getting started

The swift collapse of the Afghan government has reignited a long-running argument over the United States' role in the world

An airlift.
(Image credit: Illustrated | REUTERS, iStock)

America's war over Afghanistan, simmering for years, reached a rolling boil about 10 days ago, and it shows no sign of cooling yet.

I'm not talking about the way the Biden administration has brought about the end of the war in Afghanistan. Whereas the war in Afghanistan pitted American soldiers and members of the Afghan military against the Taliban and affiliated groups like al Qaeda, the war over Afghanistan is a rhetorical battle waged among factions of American elites over our country's identity and role in world affairs.

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Damon Linker

Damon Linker is a senior correspondent at He is also a former contributing editor at The New Republic and the author of The Theocons and The Religious Test.