Biden flopped, but did Trump really 'win' the debate?

The president struggled to articulate a clear vision for the country, but Trump's cavalcade of aggressive falsehoods might not do the Republican candidate any favors in the long run

Donald Trump at first presidential debate in Atlanta, GA
Former President Donald Trump during the first presidential debate against Joe Biden in Atlanta, GA
(Image credit: Photo by Justin Sullivan / Getty Images)

There's no sugarcoating it: President Joe Biden had a terrible night. During his first of two scheduled debates against rival Donald Trump, Biden was at various points unintelligible, underwhelming, and largely unconvincing that he was the better choice to lead the nation for another four years. Try as the president's team may try to spin his performance on Thursday evening, the fact that even mainstream liberal pundits are now openly questioning whether Democrats should find another nominee is proof enough that whatever goals Biden's campaign set out for the highly anticipated debate were missed, and missed to a potentially historic degree. 

Still, Biden's undeniably poor showing does not necessarily a Trump triumph make. While the presumptive Republican nominee may have ended his night as the clear beneficiary of the president's struggles, was his an actual knockout or simply a win by forfeit? In the aftermath of Biden's implosion, not everyone is convinced Trump's victory is as clear-cut as it may seem.

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Rafi Schwartz, The Week US

Rafi Schwartz has worked as a politics writer at The Week since 2022, where he covers elections, Congress and the White House. He was previously a contributing writer with Mic focusing largely on politics, a senior writer with Splinter News, a staff writer for Fusion's news lab, and the managing editor of Heeb Magazine, a Jewish life and culture publication. Rafi's work has appeared in Rolling Stone, GOOD and The Forward, among others.