Facebook is banning cryptocurrency ads

Bad bitcoin ads.
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Sorry, bitcoin, but you're no longer welcome among the puppy pictures, faceless cooking videos, and life updates from your aunt's friend's son-in-law.

Facebook announced Tuesday that it is banning ads for cryptocurrencies, the encrypted digital currencies whose turbulent fortunes have inspired many an impulsive investment. They've also been known to be fodder for several fraudulent get-rich-quick schemes — a con Facebook is hoping to help its users avoid. In a blog post Tuesday, Product Management Director Robert Leathern wrote that the company does not want its users to fall for scams "frequently associated with misleading or deceptive promotional practices such as binary options, initial coin offerings, and cryptocurrencies."

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Kelly O'Meara Morales

Kelly O'Meara Morales is a staff writer at The Week. He graduated from Sarah Lawrence College and studied Middle Eastern history and nonfiction writing amongst other esoteric subjects. When not compulsively checking Twitter, he writes and records music, subsists on tacos, and watches basketball.