There has been a flurry of White House resignations — and more are expected

The White House.
(Image credit: Alex Edelman/Getty Images)

Following the departure of Stephanie Grisham, first lady Melania Trump's chief of staff, on Wednesday evening, two more White House officials announced their resignations.

Their exits are in response to President Trump's incitement of supporters, who went on to storm the Capitol. In a statement, White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Matthews said she was "honored to serve in the Trump administration and proud of the policies we enacted," but as "someone who worked in the halls of Congress, I was deeply disturbed by what I saw today. I'll be stepping down from my role, effective immediately. Our nation needs a peaceful transfer of power."

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Catherine Garcia, The Week US

Catherine Garcia is night editor for Her writing and reporting has appeared in Entertainment Weekly and, The New York Times, The Book of Jezebel, and other publications. A Southern California native, Catherine is a graduate of the University of Redlands and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.