The most extreme weather events this year

Thousands have been killed in fires and floods across the world

A woman carries her infant child as she looks over destruction wrought by Cyclone Mocha in Myanmar
Cyclone Mocha made landfall in May
(Image credit: Sai Aung Main / AFP via Getty Images)


Wildfires, floods and heatwaves have continued to make headlines as communities across the world have had their homes and lives threatened by deadly weather conditions.

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Julia O'Driscoll is the engagement editor. She covers UK and world news, as well as writing lifestyle and travel features. She regularly appears on “The Week Unwrapped” podcast, and hosted The Week's short-form documentary podcast, “The Overview”. Julia was previously the content and social media editor at sustainability consultancy Eco-Age, where she interviewed prominent voices in sustainable fashion and climate movements. She has a master's in liberal arts from Bristol University, and spent a year studying at Charles University in Prague.