Will Super Tuesday voters 'throw the bums out'?

Anti-establishment fever could see three big upsets in Tuesday's primary contests. Does it mean voters are declaring war on incumbents?

Could Arlen Spector lose his job?
(Image credit: Getty)

Voters in four states go to the polls on Tuesday to decide who will run in the midterm elections in November — and three establishment candidates are potentially facing defeat. Sen. Arlen Specter (D-PA) and Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) locked in tight races with lesser known challengers, while Trent Grayson, hand-picked by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to run for a senate seat in Kentucky, is polling behind Tea Party-endorsed libertarian Rand Paul. Will the 2010 elections be about "throwing the bums out"? (Watch a Fox report about the primaries)

Expect lots of upsets: The polls show vote shares for 2010's incumbent candidates are diminishing, says Domenico Montanaro at MSNBC.com, and the departure of two "longtime lawmakers" — Sen. Bob Bennett of Utah and Rep. Alan Mollohan of West Virginia — has "sent a new round of jitters through the ranks of Capitol Hill." The message is clear: In 2010, "incumbent" is a "dirty word."

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