Trump is right about Romney

The Romneyssaince is a joke. And the president knows it.

Mitt Romney leaves Donald Trump at his New Jersey golf course in November 2016.
(Image credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

President Trump and his outside pseudo-populist agitator Stephen Bannon are reportedly trying to block Mitt Romney's ascendance to the U.S. Senate seat held for decades by Orrin Hatch. Indeed, Trump is actively lobbying Hatch, who has long flirted with retiring, to stick around for another six years.

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Scott Galupo

Scott Galupo is a freelance writer living in Virginia. In addition to The Week, he blogs for U.S. News and reviews live music for The Washington Post. He was formerly a senior contributor to the American Conservative and staff writer for The Washington Times. He was also an aide to Rep. John Boehner. He lives with his wife and two children and writes about politics to support his guitar habit.