George R.R. Martin's editor says he might write an eighth Song of Ice and Fire book

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

George R.R. Martin's editor says he might write an eighth Song of Ice and Fire book
(Image credit: Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

Will George R.R. Martin ever finish his epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire? It's the question that has long dogged the author, spawning a splinter faction of devotees-turned-enemies who claim that he is cruelly dragging his feet and who openly fear that he will die before his magnum opus is complete.

The latest from Martin's editor, then, should really get their blood up. Anne Groell recently told fans that ASOIAF could feasibly turn into an eight-book series, one more than the seven already planned, because the ASOIAF universe technically includes eight kingdoms.

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Ryu Spaeth

Ryu Spaeth is deputy editor at Follow him on Twitter.