Trump administration looks to roll back Dodd-Frank company regulations

Donald Trump.
(Image credit: Getty Images)

The Treasury Department on Friday recommended the repeal of four sections of Dodd-Frank financial regulatory law, in an effort to create economic opportunity and growth.

Dodd-Frank regulations were established under the Obama administration in 2010 following the financial crisis. The Treasury Department argued in its Friday report that disclosures under Dodd-Frank levy an unnecessary burden on companies; one of the sections the department seeks to repeal is a regulation mandating that companies reveal annual CEO compensation along with median employee compensation.

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Elianna Spitzer

Elianna Spitzer is a rising junior at Brandeis University, majoring in Politics and American Studies. She is also a news editor and writer at The Brandeis Hoot. When she is not covering campus news, Elianna can be found arguing legal cases with her mock trial team.q