The EU is taking America to trade court

European Union headquarters.
(Image credit: Mark Renders/Getty Images)

The European Union has opened a case challenging the Trump administration's steel and aluminum tariffs at the World Trade Organization (WTO). The tariffs went into effect Friday morning over the protests of U.S. allies in Europe as well as Canada and Mexico, and European Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom initiated the case immediately thereafter.

"We are not in a trade war, but we are in a very difficult situation caused by the United States," Malmstrom said. "I would not use the term 'trade war,' because it has a psychological effect," she continued, but the "U.S. is playing a dangerous game here. [For the EU] not responding will be the same as accepting these tariffs, which we consider illegal under WTO rules."

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Bonnie Kristian

Bonnie Kristian was a deputy editor and acting editor-in-chief of She is a columnist at Christianity Today and author of Untrustworthy: The Knowledge Crisis Breaking Our Brains, Polluting Our Politics, and Corrupting Christian Community (forthcoming 2022) and A Flexible Faith: Rethinking What It Means to Follow Jesus Today (2018). Her writing has also appeared at Time Magazine, CNN, USA Today, Newsweek, the Los Angeles Times, and The American Conservative, among other outlets.