'Government is the problem' and other Republican delusions

The GOP is now reaping the consequences of committing itself to a deranged ideology

Ronald Reagan brought the anti-government creed back into style.
(Image credit: Bettmann/CORBIS)

It was the kind of joke you might hear from any Republican on the campaign trail in 2016 — from Donald Trump or Rand Paul, Chris Christie or Marco Rubio, or just about any GOP senator or House member, too. In this case, Ted Cruz told it. Recycling a line from his 2012 senatorial campaign, Cruz informed voters a week or so ago in Missouri Valley, Iowa, that the etymology for "politics" goes back to the ancient Greeks: "poly," for many, and "tics," for blood-sucking parasites.

Since he's used the line for so long, Cruz must have reason to think audiences like it. Yet I wonder whether anyone ever thinks to respond with what strikes me as an obvious question: "Since you're running for president, doesn't that mean that you're devoting every waking moment of your life to becoming the biggest blood-sucking parasite of all?"

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Damon Linker

Damon Linker is a senior correspondent at TheWeek.com. He is also a former contributing editor at The New Republic and the author of The Theocons and The Religious Test.