The daily business briefing: August 19, 2021

Fed minutes show debate on pulling back on stimulus, a judge blocks ConocoPhillips Alaska oil permits, and more

The Trans Alaska Pipeline System
The Trans Alaska Pipeline System
(Image credit: Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

1. Fed minutes show officials considering reducing stimulus

Federal Reserve policy makers are considering dialing back their efforts to boost the economy later this year, according to minutes from the Fed's late-July meeting that were released on Wednesday. Fed leaders are nearing a consensus on trimming the central bank's $120 billion in monthly purchases of Treasury and mortgage securities at one of their remaining three 2021 policy meetings, the July minutes indicated. "Most participants noted that, provided that the economy were to evolve broadly as they anticipated, they judged that it could be appropriate to start reducing the pace of asset purchases this year," the minutes said. Some officials were more cautious, suggesting the Fed should wait until next year to make sure the job market has fully recovered from the damage of the coronavirus pandemic.

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Harold Maass, The Week US

Harold Maass is a contributing editor at The Week. He has been writing for The Week since the 2001 debut of the U.S. print edition and served as editor of when it launched in 2008. Harold started his career as a newspaper reporter in South Florida and Haiti. He has previously worked for a variety of news outlets, including The Miami Herald, ABC News and Fox News, and for several years wrote a daily roundup of financial news for The Week and Yahoo Finance.