Michael Flynn cranks the right's rhetorical ratchet

Michael Flynn and Donald Trump.
(Image credit: Illustrated | Getty Images, iStock)

Like drug addicts craving ever-stronger doses to get their fix, Republicans are now mainlining rhetorical hyperbole and regularly ratcheting up the intensity.

In a single decade we've gone from talk about the need for a Tea Party rebellion against the federal government to the claim that a Hillary Clinton victory in 2016 posed an existential threat to American self-government to the Republican president asserting that the Democrats stole the White House from him. And now a retired United States Army lieutenant general and former National Security Adviser is advocating a "Myanmar-style coup" in the United States to reinstate Donald Trump as president. (This comes just a few weeks after more than 100 retired generals and admirals signed a letter claiming the 2020 election was stolen.)

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Damon Linker

Damon Linker is a senior correspondent at TheWeek.com. He is also a former contributing editor at The New Republic and the author of The Theocons and The Religious Test.