Class of 2024: the UK's next generation of MPs

With 135 MPs stepping down the next parliament will contain a number of new faces of all political persuasions

Phoot composite of politicians Carla Denyer, Zarah Sultana and Darren Jones
Carla Denyer, Zarah Sultana and Darren Jones are three of the potential future stars of Westminster politics
(Image credit: Illustration by Stephen Kelly / Shutterstock / Getty Images)

Of the 650 MPs in the House of Commons, 135 have announced they will not be standing at the election on 4 July – so a new generation of politicians is about to take office. 

Among the famous faces departing are 22 current and former secretaries of state. Most notable are former prime minister Theresa May, former deputy PM Dominic Raab and current levelling-up secretary Michael Gove among the Tories, while former Labour ministers Harriet Harman and Margaret Hodge are also not seeking re-election. They are joined by Ian Blackford, the former Westminster leader of the SNP, two current deputy speakers, Rosie Winterton and Eleanor Laing, and the chairs of 10 select committees.

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Jamie Timson is the UK news editor, curating The Week UK's daily morning newsletter and setting the agenda for the day's news output. He was first a member of the team from 2015 to 2019, progressing from intern to senior staff writer, and then rejoined in September 2022. As a founding panellist on “The Week Unwrapped” podcast, he has discussed politics, foreign affairs and conspiracy theories, sometimes separately, sometimes all at once. In between working at The Week, Jamie was a senior press officer at the Department for Transport, with a penchant for crisis communications, working on Brexit, the response to Covid-19 and HS2, among others.