Watch NYC cops and firefighters pummel each other at a charity hockey game


Watch NYC cops and firefighters pummel each other at a charity hockey game
(Image credit: YouTube)

Protect and serve and wail on your opponent's face at center ice, goes the motto the New York City Police Department may want to adopt after a charity hockey game between the city's police and firefighters turned into an all-out brawl.

With the game tied in the second period of the annual event, which took place on Sunday, players paired off for some standard hockey roughhousing. Then more and more participants joined in, leading to an all-out bench-clearing brawl, with gloves and sticks strewn everywhere across the ice. Spoiler: Though most everyone around them went at it, the goalies skated toward each other but never fought, opting instead to watch the bedlam from a distance.

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Jon Terbush

Jon Terbush is an associate editor at covering politics, sports, and other things he finds interesting. He has previously written for Talking Points Memo, Raw Story, and Business Insider.