Australia is touting Cambodia as the best place for asylum seekers

Cambodian street vendors.
(Image credit: Omar Havana/Getty Images)

Australia is attempting to show asylum seekers that their best bet is to actually go to Cambodia.

In a deal struck last year, Australia offered Cambodia $31 million to take in refugees, The Associated Press reports. There are 700 migrants detained on the Pacific Island nation of Nauru, and this week, they were shown a video message from Australian Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, who said Cambodia is a "fast-paced and vibrant country with a stable economy and varied employment opportunities ... a diverse nation with a blend of many nationalities, cultures, and religions. An opportunity for a new life is now before you. While it's not Australia, Cambodia offers you safety, security, and opportunity." They also received a fact sheet saying they would receive free health insurance and cash, and would enjoy "all the freedoms of a democratic society, including freedom of religion and freedom of speech."

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Catherine Garcia, The Week US

Catherine Garcia is night editor for Her writing and reporting has appeared in Entertainment Weekly and, The New York Times, The Book of Jezebel, and other publications. A Southern California native, Catherine is a graduate of the University of Redlands and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.