Samantha Bee fingers the real culprit behind the #StephenMillerShutdown. (It's Stephen Miller.)

Samantha Bee talks about Stephen Miller
(Image credit: Screenshot/YouTube/Full Frontal)

The brief government shutdown lasted only about 72 hours, "and after the biggest political crisis in days, politicians had one important question: Whose fault was it?" Samantha Bee said on Wednesday's Full Frontal. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.)? President Trump? Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)? "This shutdown passed quickly, but it only gets worse from here," she said. "A much uglier fight over immigration is going to play out in the coming weeks. Why has governing ground to halt over protections for DREAMers that 86 percent of Americans support? Believe it or not, the answer isn't entirely Trump."

Trump's immigration policies are as empty as his desk, Bee said. The details come from his "senior adviser and political smallpox blanket" Stephen Miller. "That's right — this isn't the #TrumpShutdown or the #SchumerShutdown, it's the #StephenMillerShutdown. Miller is Trump's immigration guy, and in the Trump White House, that is a powerful position." She ran through Miller's life story, from San Diego to the White House, with several bizarre screeds against janitors along the way. She threw in several derogatory and ad hominem remarks about his hairline.

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Peter Weber, The Week US

Peter has worked as a news and culture writer and editor at The Week since the site's launch in 2008. He covers politics, world affairs, religion and cultural currents. His journalism career began as a copy editor at a financial newswire and has included editorial positions at The New York Times Magazine, Facts on File, and Oregon State University.