US economy
What is consumer sentiment, and what does it tell us?
The Explainer This economic indicator reflects how consumers feel about their finances and predicts whether they plan to spend money
By Becca Stanek, The Week US Published
The Explainer -
Are we getting a 'hard landing' after all?
Today's Big Question Signs of economic slowdown raise concerns 'soft landing' declarations were premature
By Joel Mathis, The Week US Published
Today's Big Question -
'Will growth slow, or is the economy about to fall off a cliff?'
Instant Opinion Opinion, comment and editorials of the day
By Harold Maass, The Week US Published
Instant Opinion -
'New arrivals are more than paying for themselves'
Instant Opinion Opinion, comment and editorials of the day
By Harold Maass, The Week US Published
Instant Opinion -
'Horror stories of women having to carry nonviable fetuses'
Instant Opinion Opinion, comment and editorials of the day
By Harold Maass, The Week US Published
Instant Opinion -
What is shrinkflation and why is it happening?
The Explainer The practice reduces the size of a product without lowering the price — and it's perfectly legal
By Becca Stanek, The Week US Published
The Explainer -
'Being an economist makes me an optimist'
Instant Opinion Opinion, comment and editorials of the day
By Harold Maass, The Week US Published
Instant Opinion -
'Conservatives have not limited their attack on reproductive rights to the US'
Instant Opinion Opinion, comment and editorials of the day
By Harold Maass, The Week US Published
Instant Opinion -
Housing costs: the root of US economic malaise?
speed read Many voters are troubled by the housing affordability crisis
By Peter Weber, The Week US Published
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'Trickle-down economics is a scam'
Instant Opinion Opinion, comment and editorials of the day
By Harold Maass, The Week US Published
Instant Opinion -
Immigration helped the US economy outpace peers
speed read The U.S. economy grew at an annualized rate of 3.2% last quarter
By Peter Weber, The Week US Published
speed read -
'The car did, in the end, get the Apple makeover'
Instant Opinion Opinion, comment and editorials of the day
By Harold Maass, The Week US Published
Instant Opinion -
'TikTok may finally be entering its flop era'
Instant Opinion Opinion, comment and editorials of the day
By Harold Maass, The Week US Published
Instant Opinion -
How the world economy learned to live with the drama
Under the Radar As economists predict a 'soft landing' after recent crises, is the global economy now 'oblivious to the new world disorder'?
By Elliott Goat, The Week UK Published
Under the Radar